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Friday, October 28, 2011

Law or Love

Do you live by the law or do you live by love?  A question that I have begun to explore and seek the answer to in the last few months.  It is not an easy journey to look into ones life and begin to see that I have lived by the law, barely recognizing the love that gave me life.
What is this law?  The law of the do’s and don’ts.  The law that destroys love.  The law that blinds our understanding of the Bible.  The law that keeps us from entering into a full relationship with Christ.
The law has one purpose, reveal the depravity of our souls so that we recognize our need for a Savior.  The law is good when its purpose is rightly understood and used in that manner. The law becomes a hindrance when we make it an idol above the One who gave us the law.
So the question is do you live by the law that binds you or the love that frees you?  The love that frees you is found in Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord.  Do you want to know more about the love that frees you?  Ask me anything to find out more.

Welcome to Blogging

As I begin again to try to put thought to typed word, I find it hard to convey thoughts to keyboard.  So many topics that someone could cover in a blog and yet, I can't seem to narrow it down to start with one.  So I will ramble on in my thoughts facing the prospect of getting this blog started.  When thoughts becomes words, you will be the first to know.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

In The Beginning

The Valley of the Sun as the Phoenix and its metro area are affectionately called is a beautiful place to live. The winter months here are remarkable. While we have yet to experience a summer day in Arizona, we know this is where God has placed a desire in our hearts to serve Him. He also also provided the opportunities to be here which we gladly accept His plan.

We have been in Arizona since October, 2009. It has taken some time, but we are settled into our home. We know this is home and that God has allowed us to be part of His plan here. We have been able to connect with our neighbors. We were able to get together with 6 couples at a progressive dinner just before Christmas. We were also able to have a New Year’s Eve cul-de-sac cookout in the middle of the street with most of the neighbors.

We miss our friends and family. We know many prayers are being lifted on our behalf by friends, family and mighty prayer warriors as well. Thank you for remembering us in your quiet times. We look forward to God revealing each day for us and for you.